Friday 30 April 2010

Repeater Ridge

Monday 22nd March 2010

We woke at 5:30am to be ready to leave at 6am. The mornings are getting progressively earlier! I share a tent with 6 others and I awoke this morning feeling cold. We drove before breakfast out to a hill called Repeater Ridge:

We climbed and used radio equipment to attempt to pick up the locations of all the radio tagged animals in the reserve. It didn't go well and we managed to pinpoint only large areas as possible locations due to the poor signals. Here is Sophia looking for signals:

And here am I trying to make some sense of the equipment:

All was not lost however, as the views from the top were fantastic:

When out on walks, the guides have to carry guns for safety. Here is John 'looking after' us:

Although I feel quite tired, I feel for the others in the group, all of whom arrived from abroad and had a horrible long day to get here on Saturday. Being here before them and after they leave feels a bit strange!

In the afternoon we drove again and saw hippos in a lake by the dam. They were a long way away but I managed to get this picture:

There were also several other wild sights, such as this baby viper and mantis:

The highlight for me though was our first sighting of a group of giraffes. These ones were calm and didn't seem to be nervous of us:

We saw crocodiles in a lake in the distance and then waited to watch another beautiful sunset:

We tend to go to bed at around 9pm and we certainly did today due to the early start. We also need to be up at 5am tomorrow. When we went to bed myself and Gary, who sleeps on the bunk above me, found rubber lizards under our pillows with their tails hanging out. Given Gary's line of work we spend quite some time investigating who may be the perpetrators in order to direct a retribution!

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