Monday 1 March 2010

Hyde Park Primary

There are some interesting things about this school, other than the 100% coloured demographic of its students and the intercom system that the principal uses. At the start of each day, the staff gather in the staff room and on a rotational basis read out a motivational passage, usually from the Bible. The children pray regularly; at the beginning of each day, before lunch (thanking God for food) and before they leave at 2:15pm. On Fridays the Muslim children get to leave an hour before the others. At break time the prefects are allowed to leave the classroom before the others to prepare for their playground duties (remember these are no older than 12 years old).

It's a fascinating place, and I often just wander around observing all of these customs!

P.S. At the weekend, the main building was broken into and looted. As a result of the damage caused we have no water in parts of the school. Despite this, we're operational and open to all 900 children! When the local police were called at 7:30am (1st of March), it was already the 7th crime reported this month.

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