Sunday 2 May 2010

Base duty and first lion spotting

Friday 26th March 2010

On Friday myself and Ana stayed in camp in the morning as it was our turn for base duty. We swept leaves to keep the base tidy and prepared lunch and dinner. Once the preparation was done we were able to go out with the others in the afternoon. We climbed Repeater Ridge again where Manie had previously caught me. Here are some of us at the top. Left to right is Richard, Gary, Me, Lina, Manie and John:

We were shown Khoi-San paintings on the rocks. They are approximately 1000 years old and were created using ochre as paint:

On our travels we spotted two males giraffes. The darker of the two was the dominant male and is darker due to greater amounts of testosterone. In a display of his dominance he was mounting the other male...very strange:

We got wind from Wendy that the lions were in a certain area so we went to them and got our first glimpse of some of the pride, Marmite and his mum Pikanin. Like the elephants, they are wonderful to see in the wild:

We got back late as a result. Kindly, Sophia and Toni had finished cooking dinner for us, but it all got stuck to the bottom of the pan and burned as a consequence. The flavour of the food was somewhat charred and some people didn't eat it, oh dear! Following the removal of a dangerous scorpion by Manie from the dining room area, we all nervously went to bed.

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