Monday 3 May 2010

Long drive to Durban

Sunday 4th April 2010

This morning I awoke to discover that Eugene Terreblanche had been murdered on his nearby farm by two of his farm workers, apparently in a dispute over pay. Terreblanche was the leader of the AWB (an extremist faction) and was a white supremacist who fought for the creation of white homelands and who supported the notion of apartheid. Repercussions are expected and Zuma has already called for calm.

In the morning I took some pictures of Bob's Bunkhouse. The picture of the front of the house indicates the barred windows:

Our BazBus was very late but we jumped on at 10am and sped towards Durban. The terrain was mainly flat with open countryside and farms for miles:

Although our particular bus is quite new, we were pulled over by the police who were checking the road-worthiness of several minibuses on the N3 highway.

As we declined into KwaZulu-Natal and the low lands of Durban the rains began. We were dropped of at a hostel in Pietermaritzburg where we were collected by Karen's Cousin's husband Patrick, who drove us to his home in Hillcrest, 26km north of Durban. Hillcrest and the surroundings are known as the Mist Belt due to it's altitude above Durban and the cloud cover that is common here. Patrick lives there with his wife Jeanne and their son Gregor. Their estate is an affluent one, with a guarded security gate at the edge of the village. The houses therefore do not possess high gates and barred windows. Here is the view from their balcony:

And here is our bedroom, usually Gregor's:

We were fed Chinese food and I felt like I was in a dream. South Africa really is a country of contrast. My Soweto experience, along with my basic lifestyle of the past two weeks, seemed a million miles away.

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