Monday 3 May 2010

Zulus...thousands of em!

Sunday 11th April 2010

We were taken again for a great breakfast within the Valley of 100 Hills, which provided a beautiful panoramic view of the hillsides as the name alludes to:

We visited a crocodile farm. Note that the table and chairs seems to be unused for some reason:

The crocodile farm also had a variety of snake species, including cobras and black mambas:

Visiting zoos and seeing exotic and dangerous snakes always seems far removed from our reality, however all of these species are native to South Africa.

We were extremely luck to visit a small group of Zulus who perform and dance for visitors:

Following some more local beer (which was much like the Lesotho stuff) they performed a story of Zulu life whereby a man will impress a woman with dances and displays of skill. She will select him by giving him a necklace. He will then visit a fortune-teller to enquire about her fertility. He pays 11 cows to her family as lobola (traditional marriage payment) and finally there is a 3 day ceremony. I filmed much of it and it was fantastic. Their voices were beautiful, with harmonising call and response singing. I have some video clips and they can be seen on my Facebook page.

Patrick then took me to a pub called The Meerkats for a typical Sunday afternoon Durban experience...sitting in the sun drinking. We met some of Patrick's friends and on his recommendation I ordered Amarula and eisbine, which is essentially just the limb of a pig. I would never soberly have eaten it.

For the second time in South Africa, I completely lost my memory. I don't remember driving back to the house or being at the house. I was told the next morning that I went to bed and fell asleep at 7pm.

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