Sunday 2 May 2010

Caterpillars and a cheetah kill

Tuesday 30th March 2010

In the morning we went on a gentle walk to see animal tracks and caterpillars, which needed a gun apparently! We saw dung and identified which animals had been near to the base. Manie spotted this beautiful mopane worm:

We climbed a small hill and got a good view of the dense vegetation near to the base. The base is somewhere in the distance on the right:

We also learnt about the game management that takes place here, with shooting common to keep numbers down. Corporate shooting events are regularly held. In the heat of the day we lazed around as normal. I took some more pictures of our tent's bathroom and shower:

At 3:30pm we went for another drive. At 5pm we were again rewarded with sightings of the two cheetah brothers. This time they had killed an impala:

We were privileged to be able to watch them feeding at dusk. Unfortunately it was very difficult to get a clear picture in the twilight:

Most of the gang didn't seem to spot the sunset that was occurring in the opposite direction:

On the drive home we saw two bush babies in a tree by the track. They are very small and cute, and impossible to get snaps of. They jump large distances with ease following a brief crouch. Best of all, they run along the ground in a jumping fashion holding their hands in the air like a dance.

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