Sunday 2 May 2010

Final day in the bush

Thursday 1st April 2010

Today was the wish list day, where we got to choose our activities. Feeling quite rough we decided to search for Thika and her cub. We didn't find her but we did detect her radio signal and were able to gain data on her position and movements. Hopefully all is well with her and her cub.

We approached another large bull elephant at the side of a track. This one was a similar distance from us as yesterday's, but this one was clearly not happy with our proximity. He immediately began to trumpet at us and flap his ears. Our engine was running and we were able to make a swift getaway.

Here is a picture of the quotes board for the expedition. Most of these were said by John:

In the afternoon we washed the vehicles and watched a sun set, despite it being quite cloudy. Here I am with Gary and Richard at the sun set:

And here are Elizabeth and Ashley:

We came back for a braai and our final evening at the base. I again feel sad to be leaving and consider myself lucky to have experienced this with such a great group of people. There has been a sense of bonding despite and because of the intensity of our environment and living conditions, and it has made the two weeks fly past.

There are some things I won't miss though. The flies in the bush are horrible. Sweat flies seek out any moisture they can find. There are always about 30 of them around you, they are perpetually irritating and they get in your eyes, ears and anywhere else that might be damp!

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