Monday 3 May 2010

Knysna Elephant Park

Monday 19th April 2010

This morning we visited the Knysna Elephant Park, home to 12 adopted elephants. We walked with them and were able to have photos taken with them, which felt alien to me because my elephant experiences so far have involved hostility or wariness on behalf of the elephants. One particular baby elephant had its mother shot for ivory not far from the GVI project in Limpopo.

These elephants are relatively tame and have been trained, including to stand behind a metal bar and wait to be fed:

Like Humans, the babies don't obey the rules and when told to get back they sink to the ground trumpeting in protest much like a child would:

Here I am with a young elephant and then a quite large one (I'm quite scared in the second picture):

Afterwards we were driven to The Heads which is the entrance to the Knysna lagoon. This is one of the most dangerous tidal waters in the world so no boats use it regularly:

Here is a view looking in to the Knysna lagoon:

In the afternoon I wandered around the town. Knysna is a quaint little place where many people have come to retire. It also has some charm and is filled with craft shops and independent restaurants. Like Port Elizabeth it feels safe. Rains hit at 3pm and we were confined to the hostel.

Volcano newsflash: Parts of northern Britain may be open for flights tomorrow but it is being monitored very much on a day-to-day basis. South African Airlines flights home are still cancelled.

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